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Community News









Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm



Full Moon Drum Circle, Nanac Park, Indiatlantic (the park just North of 5th Avenue Boardwalk)


Meeting on the beach at Nance Park Indialantic from 6-8:30 pm (use the beach access located behind the restrooms)
Sunset is at 7:46 pm, Moon-rise is at 7:53 pm, and Dusk at 8:10. Drum circle ends at dark due to sea turtle nesting restrictions through November 1st.

- Abide by local laws. Don’t put our group at risk by doing illegal activities.
- No smoking or vaping inside or around the circle. Preferably go outside the crowd, downwind where the smoke will not bother anyone as there are children and people with allergies to think of.
- No Glass on the beach.
- No alcohol. Intoxicated behavior will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave.
- Dogs are not allowed on the beach.
- Ask permission before playing someone else’s drum. Remove all hand and wrist jewelry to prevent any damage.
- Leave a large enough inner circle space for all of our wonderful dancers.
- Dancers, try to encourage movement around the inner circle as this helps increase the flow of energy between the dancers and the drummers.
- Spectators, please allow the front line of the circle for drummers and dancers. We need to be able to see and hear each other play in order to keep cohesive rhythms So if space is tight, and you are there to soak in the vibes, please consider sitting behind a drummer forming an outer circle.
- Pack out your trash, leave nothing behind.
- MOST OF ALL… We are here to have fun and provide a SAFE and WELCOMING space for all… so relax, smile, enjoy, stay positive, and please be kind and respectful to one another 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Happy drumming!  


June 27, 2021


Service on this last Sunday in June was led by our President Emma Principe with an encouraging theme to claim your value, goodness, power and joy. Reminding each one of us that we have the power and responsibility of choice in creating our own life experience.

 Wonderful songs by Fearless Soul; "You are the Life You Create" and India-Arie; "I am Light" supported her guiding theme.

Our guest speaker Rev Dr Louis Gates shared his wisdom and guidance with advice on letting go habits of holding on. "Are you a hoarder, packer, stacker,  gypsy or a builder? Are you loaded with old stuff; material or familial or mental? Why not be ready to offload and reclaim lightness of your own being?" 

Our congregation enjoyed a field of upliftment in the energies created this morning.

Rev Dr Louis Gates led a workshop presented as a  Red Light Seance following service. Through his guides Lucerne and Tobias, personal messages were delivered to each participant. We humbly appreciated the sharing of these words of love, healing and insight.

May you each find upliftment in claiming your divinity and power. You are worthy, valuable and free.  Rev Denise Meyer



with Rev. Dr. Louis Gates


Sunday, June 27, 12 noon – 2 p.m.


Registration opens June 20


Limited Seating – Members have priority


$35 Members, $50 Others

Cash or check only. Payment due at registration.


No children – No pets


No refunds


February 28, 2021


Message from Rev. Louis Gates



January 31, 2021


Service was conducted on a beautiful January morning in Melbourne. We were blessed with the colors and sounds of Nature wrapping around us with caresses of gentle breeze and soft sunshine.

President Emma Principe led service with a nod to humility and kindness. These simple practices guide you to becoming the best human being  you can be in this life. 

The words of Tim McGraw's song "Always Be Humble and Kind" supported the wisdom and love of our theme.

Speaker Rev Denise Meyer focused her talk on Spiritualism as a religion of Triumphant Living; guiding us to value the habits that develop mastery over your story, the role you are playing in life and the patterns in relationship and experience. Through faith and practice you take charge of your relationship with the indwelling spirit that offers love and support so continuously, and build a union with Source.

May peace and Triumph of the heart be yours as  you continued to love yourself. Rev Denise Meyer


January 24, 2021


 A beautiful clear and comfortable Sunday morning. We conducted service outdoors under our beloved trees and sky to the accompaniment of local song birds. Rev Denise Meyer lead our service with her own innate ease and joy while presenting the classic songs of Louis Armstrong's " What a Wonderful World" and Pharell's "Happy" to move us into appreciation and uplifting happiness. Guest speaker, Karen Loffler spoke of the value of being quiet and listening for answers and to find your own best way to silence, to harmony, to receptivity. There will be an answer through quietness and receptiveness. Emma Principe and Karen Loffler offered their generous, clear and kind spirit messages today.


Enjoy the new week with simplicity, generosity, kindness and a little more quiet time. Your body, mind and relationships will thank you. Rev Denise Meyer


January 17, 2021


Our third January Sunday, with the  low temperatures of this winter season, has found us conducting services indoors; following social distancing guidelines and mask wearing protocols. President Emma Principe lead service with her heart's Light and Love pouring through to all.  Guest speaker, Gage Vogt shared his wisdom and writings regarding self direction of your mind and habits of focus. Our thanks to Emma and Loretta for their deliveries of spirit greetings.


Be mindful and aware of your habits of thoughts and beliefs for they create the foundation of your experiences. Rev Denise Meyer



Message to the World


Peace has come  to you Dear Ones.

The Light has come,

Accept that it is yours.

You are goodness and Light.

You beloved spirits of Earth are innocent children.

You are being lifted up: lifted up.

Do you understand?

Lift your hearts up to the glory of  Light.


It  has come.


Be done with strife and  harm to another.

Feel the beat, beat, beat of peace and love in your own heart.

Know that you remember your own call for peace and harmony.

The Light of your prayers for peace, well being and joy is moving forward with great power and intention now.

Yea, this is the hour.

The healers, lightworkers, the artists, creators, peacemakers, teachers, mothers and fathers, those of service and guardians of justice and fairness have built the wave of momentum to ready us for the plan of love, light and peace  to work out.


We move together now Dear Ones in ascension energy. You are being lifted up to live in world peace, abundance and goodwill.

Welcome this homecoming into your life: mind, body and spirit. Let it bless your relationship to oneself and others, your health and prosperity, your dreams ands manifestations.


You belong to this One peace.

Peace has come to Earth.


Rev Denise Meyer

Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne


January 10, 2021


Our first service of the New Year was conducted indoors on a most chilly January morning with our attendees practicing social distancing and mask-wearing.

Our service was led by  trustee Rev Denise Meyer, with guest speaker President Emma Principe. We were guided by each to be responsible for our inner and outer experience.

President Principe introduced ideas from a little blue book entitled Quiet Mind by White Eagle

(A holiday gift from a young grandson, Jeremiah) which easily reinforces Spiritualist principles to take responsibility for your energy; the energy of held beliefs and old emotional patterns and choosing to be quiet in  mind and emotion through the practice of meditation and dedication to quiet.

Paul McCartney's words supported our theme "Let It Be"

We have entered this New Year... let your heart be light, your thoughts be of love and appreciation and your world and our shared world becomes Peace.

Do your part to share the best of your true light with the world... one kindness at a time. Happy New Year. Rev Denise Meyer


December 27, 2020


We had a crystal clear morning with cool, cool temperatures and a chilly breeze yet we were warmed by our sharing and coming together. Like sunflowers, our congregation adjusted our seating to face the morning sunshine to receive warmth, love and inspiration from our guest speaker and medium.


Our guest speaker, Laura Beers, shared a personal example of choosing to let go of control when the unexpected or unwanted occurs and choosing to flow. Her example encourages us to experience a little more trust and ease that everything will and does work out in your favor as we just go with the flow.


Allow yourselves to flow through these days of a year ending and the coming unknown experience in the New Year in a state of allowing and trust, Believing that all well.

Wishing Happy Holidays

and the Best New Year.  Rev Denise Meyer


December 20, 2020


Our morning services were conducted on a clear day in beautiful Melbourne.

Our President Emma Principe enjoyed and presented music of a delightful theme that lead us through service and the introduction of our guest speaker and medium Reverend Graham Williamson.

Rev Graham Williamson's beautiful message and vibration for the day was to awaken each day as it is  Christmas Day, ready to accept a fresh gift offered to you untroubled by yesterday or weighted with a future worry.  Dance into to the new day with the delight and joy of a young child and you begin a life of happy starts each day

Spirit delivers a fresh start every morning don't forget don't forget to open the gift. Rev Denise Meyer


December 13, 2020


Our Sunday morning Services were conducted on a partly grey morning with a hint of mist, fog and possibility of rain.

Our President Emma Principe guided our service with uplifting good cheer and a touch of Bob Marley's songs.

Our guest speaker and medium was Joy Sagar.

Using his foggy morning drive as a metaphor,  he asked us to be patient, trust and know that the fog we perceive is temporary and behind it is the warmth of a guiding light that is ever present and serving our highest good.

Are you lost in a fog that a call to trust, patience, love and light can dissolve?  Rev Denise Meyer


December 6, 2020


Our Sunday Service in beautiful Melbourne was blessed with nature's vibrancy and vitality; clear sky, crisp breeze and a trio of woodpeckers.

President Emma Principe joyously lead us through service as we celebrate life's highs and lows with the wisdom and love found in song;

"Let it Be" The Beatles and "One Love" Bob Marley.


Rev Denise Meyer focused her talk on Self Mastery as a conscious practice to maintain our individual happiness index through the act of deeper forgiveness for oneself and others.

May you value the feelings of ease, freedom, love and peace reclaimed through forgiveness and compassion. Rev Denise Meyer


November 29th 2020


Our Sunday Services continue to be held out of doors under the trees with the accompaniment of  local birds and squawking geese to the pleasure of us all. The morning's most perfect blue sky and gentle breeze drew forth the most easy joyous feeling throughout service with thanks to President Emma Principe for her music choices of joy and healing themes and our most special guest speakers Kit and Natalie Mitchell.


Natalie shared the family experience of her father's passing and gift of spirit communication. Kit shared Spirit greetings with many of our parishioners which he delivered with the high energy of joy, compassion and understanding.


May we continue to let Spirit speak to our hearts -to comfort and heal. Rev Denise Meyer

Now is the time of Truth!  You have peeled and been peeling away the many layers and are now beginning to reach your Core of Truth.  And in the Truth is a Being, far Grander and Greater than your human perception wants to see or believe – Yes, Far Grander!


This is the time of letting go of all that is not your Truth.  Often We Say – You will never be the same.  And to that We now add, Hallelujah!

- The M’s, via ESP

​​November 15, 2020


Our morning service was conducted under a grey Melbourne sky and caressed by a gentle Autumn breeze. President Emma Principe began our service with a call for love and tenderness for your personal story. Our guest speaker, Rev. Denise Meyer offered a focus on Spiritualism as a religion of consolation.

Spiritualism through its gift of spirit communication, accomplishes several means of consolation: receiving affirmation from the loved one that they indeed still exist and that they are well, brings ease to aching hearts; moves faith into knowledge that indeed life, love, and relationship are everlasting consciousness and removes fears of separation; guides a hopeful faith into knowledge of truth, love, protection, guidance and ease as offered from Spirit. As these messages are accepted into the heart the perception of separation is lifted and the love that flows through unity consciousness heals our heartaches.


Spirit messages often sing the song of “All is Well. All is Well. Be at Peace. Let go to Spirit.”

Let Spirit bless your heart with a free joy, peace and everlasting love. Rev Denise Meyer


November 1, 2020


Our services were conducted under looming grey sky and a gentle rain (for the most part). Emma Principe's strength and joy lead a service of uplifting energy through benediction, meditation and healing.

Our guest speaker, Christopher Tims delivered a most calm, steady and clear talk about the power and gift of being embodied Spirit. He offered a simple call to the power of spirit to be active in our conscious living; 




This prayer calls attention to your willingness to call upon Spirit, allowing yourself to feel the answer and guidance and Be the living Light in your actions.

His message of power and hope during these changing times restores confidence in each individual's power to lift up life.

Be the Peace and Kindness needed in this world. You are that powerful. Rev Denise Meyer


This is always a fun event with a variety of vendors, readers and lectures.

Rev. Laura Beers will be there and looking forward to seeing everyone. Come say hello. If you would like a session, feel free to book it in advance to reserve a time as she is usually very busy. She will have a sneeze guard and be constantly cleaning.

Contact her at

Not sure who else will be working the fair.

Sunday October 18, 2020

Our service was conducted with the cool breezes and easy sunshine of another beautiful Melbourne morning  and lead by President Emma Principe and enriched by our special guest Dr. Louis Gates.
  Dr. Gates' lecture was as clear and bright a blessing as the gorgeous surroundings of nature's gift in our park setting. He asked us to proclaim each morning that "I am a Child of the Universe. I am a Child of Abundance."  and to be mindful of our habits of mind and emotion. He further stated that  it is valuable to focus clearly on our desires and let them go to Spirit, to be grateful continuously, to be forgiving of others and self and to let go that which no longer serves you; stuff, beliefs, places or people.
This is a beautiful world to share. Bring your own glorious Light forth fully everyday in gratitude, joy, freedom and exaltation of life's myriad and countless gifts. Count yourself as one of the priceless gifts to life and bring forth your joy, health, passion and love.
Rev Denise Meyer


October 4, 2020


     Service was shared under a grey sky with gentle morning air and birdsong. Rev. Denise Meyer lead our service with the joy of sharing spirit, meditation and music. Our lovely speaker, Laura Beers, Medium offered her view on the guidance and value of fear and how to relate to it with your own directive of love, witness and compassion. Her kind assurances that each individual has the ability to guide oneself back to claiming their own power of peace, compassion and wisdom strengthened our confidence in our own abilities. Her spirit greetings along with Emma Principe' s were graciously and lovingly offered.
     Service ended with Michael Jackson's  "Man in the Mirror" and closing with words from the Buddha: "Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart and kind speech and a life of service and compassion are all the things which renew humanity. "
     Look for kindness and generosity and compassion through yourself during this week, share it, be it and see it. Rev Denise Meyer

September 6, 2020


     Our services continue to be held under the blue sky, white clouds and warm breeze of late summer in Florida. During our meditation, led by our president, Emma Principe, we were breathing into oneness with the beautiful peace of our natural surroundings as birds fluttered and gathered in our graceful shade trees and the ibis flocks came closer still. We released a prayer for peace, healing and well being for all.

​     Our speaker, Karen Magnan, spoke of how her relationship with parents remains ongoing and vigorous after the change called death. Her spirit greetings touched the hearts of those she spoke to with her swift clarity of messages and connection.

​     We are happy to continue our Sunday services outdoors for the benefit and pleasures it adds to our time together. Look for magic and miracles everyday. Rev Denise Meyer 

August 30, 2020


With each Sunday service creating it's own dynamic, we are thankful and appreciative to all those we shared our services with on the 30th; our regulars, old friends and newcomers.
Emma Principe's benediction, meditation and choice of music lifted our spirits. With songs from Louis Armstrong's "It's a Wonderful World", Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's "Over the Rainbow" and closing with Pharrell Williams' " Happy" we were carried along on an uplifting chord of energy. These songs threaded through service with sweet love and joy to embrace the wise talk presented by Elaine Christine, PhD. Her presentation asked listeners to find value in this auspicious and perfect time; to see the message of God's presence, love and wisdom in all; to understand that we exist in a Unified Field of perfection, intelligence, order, balance and Love.
She referenced the glory of numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, Einstein's explanation of manifestation and the order of the stars. We are expanding our awareness and acceptance of the supreme order and guidance of Light as humanity moves into these new times of Light and Understanding.
Have a blessed week. Look for magic and miracles.


August 23rd 2020

Our outside services were conducted on a lovely breezy blue sky Sunday morning. Laura Beers, with her gentle presence, offered a talk focused on being kind to yourself as we continue to meet the daily stresses of getting through these very unusual times Her spirit greetings were clear quick and on point to those she addressed. Our Emma Principe leads us with a heart full of love and service dedicated to each of our attendees, members, family, friends and kin and to all life. We are Spiritualist expanding the awareness of our personal light and power to love and bless all. Denise Meyer


August 16, 2020


Sservice outside was wonderful again. Emma Principe's joyful energy lifts us up, Alisha Conner's meditation was the gift of a new tool/process and Karen Loffler's inspired talk guided us to be courageous in our personal journeys. Each one of them focusing on valuing the wisdom and guidance of our hearts and bodies. 

Love, wisdom and fun were again the order of our play. Some shared time on a Sunday morning to be with marvelous, kind, generous and loving Spiritualists, brings a spark of joy to begin the new week. Denise Meyer

Inspirational Video from Matt kahn

(2 hours-very good!)


 July 22, 2020
Sunday June 14, 2020
My press photo.jpg

Inspirational message from Rev. Laura J.K. Beers

Sunday June 7, 2020

Click here for inspirational video




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